Our practice believes in the importance of advocacy for health and for industry. We have seen our professions evolve over the last 20 years and are proud that we have been playing an active role in the advocacy and advancement of our professions. We are proud that we are practice to ‘do it first’.
We are the practice that brought ‘accessibility and awareness’ to the primary care sector that pushed the acceptance and normality of having Exercise Physiologists in the diabetes care team. We were the first AEP group in history to be invited to speak at the Australasian Diabetes Congress and the Diabetes Vic Expo and have been invited to contribute every year since. We were the first to be invited to speak about communication styles and influences by the Primary Care Diabetes Society and the National Association of Diabetes Centres influencing thousands of health care professionals - of this had the highest hits of all presentation on ‘demand’. We broke the mould being invited to join the board at the Primary Care Diabetes Society of Australia.
We are the collaborative care partner for Diabetes Victoria, Primary Health Networks, Parents Voice, National Association of Diabetes Centres, Primary Care Diabetes Society of Australia, Channel 7, SBS, The House of Wellness, Bupa, the list is just endless for our expertise, interviews, and contributions.
We are relentless in our pursuit of having Exercise Physiology and Physiotherapy as the primary choice providers for preventive health and chronic disease management and the real reason why as a practice we are truly special is because we recruit and nurture every single team member to be the best version of themselves to contribute to our core purpose.
At Exercise for Rehabilitation and Health our leadership training focus in a practitioners first 2 years, supports each team member by stretching them. Each clinician is accountable to presenting in the media, be confident in public relations, plan and appear on a community radio show, present a webinar in partnership with a key stakeholder organization, lead a face to face corporate health workshop, write a special interest article for a state or national publication, meet a politician to discuss a pertinent issue related to health care policy and attend a steering committee meeting at a non for profit organisation.
Our organisation trains leaders, thinkers, and action takers. We lead with love and steer with care, we are about conviction and focus on leaving a legacy for generations to come. We are more than health practitioners that diagnose and prescribe exercise, we are role models for young people and health professionals, we are policy changers, we see opportunity in every situation, and we are courageous in our actions.